Although you can’t stop them from forming, there are some basic steps that can be taken to minimize the likelihood of their development. Although the removal of skin tags is curative, individuals with the tendency to develop them are likely to develop more over time. It may become necessary to undergo additional procedures to remove future skin tags. Below are some tips on how to prevent skin tags:

Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle & Diet:

As was previously established, the presence of skin tags can be an indication of your overall health. For those engaging in an unhealthy lifestyle that includes the consumption of excess sugar and saturated fats, skin tags could be signaling an underlying health condition. Studies have revealed that skin tags could be a symptom of prediabetes. As such, it is important to take steps towards losing weight and becoming healthier overall.

To fully understand how to prevent skin tags, you should consider why
they are forming in the first place. As established, the skin of obese and
overweight individuals has more folds; therefore, more sweating and
skin-on-skin rubbing takes place. These actions play a significant role in the
development of skin tags. To prevent them from forming, you need to get active
and modify your diet.

Getting rid of excess weight will cause you to have fewer folds in your
skin and sweat less. You should avoid fad diets and ensure your weight loss
plan is safe and healthy. The prevention of skin tags will result from a
consistent lifestyle modification and not a fad diet.

In addition, fewer pounds mean fewer hormonal changes. In addition to
dietary changes, it is important to do cardio and weight training exercises to
tone your muscles. This will reduce the presence of loose-hanging or stretched

Success will not be achieved overnight; however, you will start to see
results from making some basic changes. Studies have indicated that reducing
your sugar intake is vital. Additionally, a direct link between diabetes and
skin tags has been identified; therefore, sugar reduction is vital.

Avoid Wearing Tight Clothing:

Wearing tight clothing causes the skin to constantly rub against the fabric of the clothes. It also prevents the skin from breathing easily. Fashion often dictates how we dress; however, you should avoid consistently wearing tight clothes regardless of how stylish you find them.

In addition, wearing jewellery could also contribute to the development of skin tags. For example, wearing a necklace on a regular basis could result in skin tags growing on your neck. This is because of the friction caused by the piece of jewellrey. Wearing clothing with a looser fit can give you a more relaxed style without compromising your fashion sense. Furthermore, allowing your skin to breathe will cause you to sweat less. Jewellery and tight clothing can actually be worn on special occasions; just avoid wearing them too often. Modifying your behavior and doing things in moderation will help you to prevent skin tags from forming.

Use Powders to Reduce Friction:

As previously stated, skin tags tend to develop around parts of the body
like the neck, groin, legs, under the breasts and armpits. Applying medicated
powder can assist in keeping the area drier; thereby, reducing friction and
irritation. Avoid using scented powders as they could cause additional

While being knowledgeable about preventing skin tags is always better
than treating or having them removed, there are always factors out of your
control. For example, it is hard to avoid hormonal changes, and for expectant
mothers this is impossible to escape. However, following the previously
outlined guidelines on how to prevent skin tags can assist you in looking and
feeling better. For individuals who already have skin tags, there are a number
of techniques that can explored to have them removed.Please call us for a complementary consultation at